Pet Help Advice - General Pet Advice
As the cold and flu season approaches, pet owners often wonder if their pets can catch these illnesses too. The answer is yes - pets can indeed catch colds and flu, though the viruses that affect them are typically different from those that infect humans.
Have you been noticing an increased water intake by your dog or cat recently in Essex? There might be instances where you find yourself refilling their water bowl more often than usual.
Finding a lump doesn't necessarily signify a severe health issue, and even if it turns out to be a type of cancer, there could be several treatment approaches available. Let's delve into how we can identify the nature of this lump and explore the potential treatment routes.
In the past at Forest Vets we have been free to use any drug we feel appropriate to treat pets; this has included those drugs authorised for specific conditions in animals and also ‘human’ drugs.
From 1st January 2021 onwards, the UK will have Part 2 listed status under the EU Pet Travel Scheme which means that people travelling from Great Britain with their pets and assistance dogs will need to follow new requirements in order to gain entry to the EU and Northern Ireland.
Lungworm (Angiostrongylus vasorum) infection in dogs is now considered endemic in the South East of England. We have seen increasing numbers of both subclinical and clinical infections in Essex – some of which have been life-threatening.
Pets are part of the family and we, as owners of pets in Essex, are responsible for their welfare and their wellbeing both in sickness and in health.
For eight to twelve weeks following surgery, a strict confinement regime is required with three important principles.